War Veterans Grant in South Africa - SASSA

Important: This website is not affiliated to SASSA. Below information is for informational purposes only. Detailed official information on Social Grants you can find on the official SASSA website mentioned on this page.

War Veterans Grant

The War Veterans Grant is administered by your local SASSA office (South African Social Security Agency).

To be eligible you must be a South African citizen or permanent resident, 60 years or older, former soldier (2nd World War (1939-1945) or the Korean War (1950-1953), you live in South Africa and are unable to support yourself.

Furthermore you do not receive any other social grant (except a Grant-In-Aid) for yourself and you are not be cared for in a state institution.

Financial Requirements

At the time of writing (01/01/2021) you must meet the follwing financial requirements according to the "means test". If you are married your combined income must be less than R13,020 per month (R156,240 per year) and combined assets of a maximum of R2,230,800. If you are single you must earn less that R6,510 per month (R78,120 per year) and assets of a maximum of R1,115,400.

As of April 2020, the War Veterans Grant is Rand 1,880 per month.

If you are unable to look after yourself and need full-time care from another person, you may also apply for a Grant-In-Aid. This grant you can get in addition to your war veteran's grant.

You can apply for the war veteran's grant at your nearest SASSA Regional Office. The application process takes no longer than 2 hours.

The processing time of your application is about 30 days. If the application is refused you have the possibility to appeal.

More Information on Social Relief of Distress Grant

Visit the official website of SASSA: www.sassa.gov.za

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

During the emergency period in South Africa as a result of the coronavirus / covid-19, changes may occur in the opening times of the South African Social Security offices.

Other Grants:

SASSA Locations: